Putting the iron in irony…

Pat’s Hotlist.)

Alberto Gonzales has been named Lawyer of the Year by the ABA Journal.

I suggest we designate 12/12 as International “Let’s Not Do This Again” Day.

About JE

James Enge is the author of the World-Fantasy-Award-nominated novel Blood of Ambrose (Pyr, April 2009). His latest book is The Wide World's End. His short fiction has appeared in Black Gate, Tales from the Magician's Skull, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and elsewhere.
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10 Responses to Putting the iron in irony…

  1. davidcapeguy says:

    The ABA Journal’s representative defended their choice by pointing out that Time has, at different times, named Hitler and Stalin as their man of the year. Keith Olberman on tonight’s Countdown reported that Stalin’s ghost is suing for slander, for being included in company with Gonzalez.

    The news about Terry Pratchett is dreadful.

    • fpb says:

      Even if Gonzales were a good lawyer – and for all I know, he is – this would be absolutely the wrong year to make him lawyer of the. This has been the year in which all his weakest sides have been brutally exposed, till even some of his political opponents came to feel that hitting him was like shooting fish in a barrel – unsporting. In a country as lawyer-ridden as the USA, is there really no lawyer who has had a better year?

      • JE says:

        It may be mere opportunism on the editors’ part. I was vaguely aware that the ABA had a professional journal, but I don’t think I knew anything else about it. Today, lots of people like me are talking about it.

    • JE says:

      “The ABA Journal’s representative defended their choice by pointing out that Time has, at different times, named Hitler and Stalin as their man of the year. Keith Olberman on tonight’s Countdown reported that Stalin’s ghost is suing for slander, for being included in company with Gonzalez.”

      True, of course, but the choice has caused some concern even at the ABA. I did like that bit on Countdown, though: the news would be a lot harder to take without this show.

  2. fpb says:

    I am dreadfully sorry to hear about Pratchett; the only consoling thought is that at least he has had the time to work to his full potential and to be rewarded for it with professional respect and popular success. That is not always the case. But of the two, I would rather have cancer than dementia.

  3. sboydtaylor says:

    In addition, I had to go home from work early because I was sick. So I completely concur with every aspect of not doing this again.

  4. madwriter says:

    Do you mind if I post this entry on Metaquotes? 🙂

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