Morlock Booked

Okay, now it can be told (since my brilliant agent Mike Kabongo, a.k.a. onyxhawke, already has): I’ve signed a deal with Pyr Books for a Morlock novel, Blood of Ambrose, which is due out Spring 2009.

That makes for a quick deadline. So, as you can imagine, when I’m not taking pictures of tremendous feat or floating face down in Tiber-sized streams of Chinotto Neri, I’m busy revising the final text of the Morlock novel, working steadily on the sequel and trying to do some dreaming and drafting on the second sequel.

This wasn’t how I thought I’d be spending the next year or so–but that’s not a complaint. You know the Weird Al song, “Everything You Know Is Wrong”? It can be a great feeling to realize you were completely mistaken about something.

About JE

James Enge is the author of the World-Fantasy-Award-nominated novel Blood of Ambrose (Pyr, April 2009). His latest book is The Wide World's End. His short fiction has appeared in Black Gate, Tales from the Magician's Skull, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and elsewhere.
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41 Responses to Morlock Booked

  1. peadarog says:

    Ah, ’twas only a matter of time! Many well-deserved congratulations!

    • JE says:

      Thanks! (Speaking of time: man, are you fast! I had hardly posted before I saw your response. I’m not absolutely sure you didn’t respond before I posted.)

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well, how about that.

    Best news about a forthcoming fantasy novel in years.
    Hardcover or paperback?
    PYR packages books nicely. Bet you get a sweet cover.

    John Hocking

    • JE says:

      Re: Well, how about that.

      Thanks! Re the hardback/paperback thing: the only part I remember from the contract is the clause where they back a truck up to my house and start shovelling money in through the window. And maybe I dreamed that part. But awesome covers certainly seem to be a PYR specialty.

  3. madwriter says:

    Congratulations! Good luck! Now get to work. 😉

    • JE says:


      Hm. “Work.”

      [Enge looks up “work” in his English>Academese dictionary, falls off chair in horror.]

  4. Go James 🙂 Keep us updated.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Brings a tear to my eye…

    James, I was very stoked to read about this. Can’t wait for the first installment. Congratulations!

  6. sboydtaylor says:

    Congratulations, man! That’s great! 🙂

  7. Anonymous says:


    Congratulations, Mr. Enge. Well deserved and well done.
    –Jason T

    • JE says:

      Re: Congratulations

      Thanks! I don’t know about deserved, but I’ll sneak off with whatever I can carry…

  8. fpb says:

    Crikey, I’m so surrounded by succeeding or successful writers, I am beginning to think maybe I should have another go myself. But congratulations anyway.

    • JE says:

      Thanks! Seriously, and without soap, you should have another go. You write fluently, energetically and with impact.

  9. al_zorra says:

    Well! This is great news! Felicitations!

    Love, C.

  10. onyxhawke says:

    You know, if i didn’t see the link back to my LJ i’d swear you were talking about some other agent…

  11. burger_eater says:

    That’s fantastic! Congrats!

  12. bg_editor says:

    Congratulations! It’s great to see good things happening to good people.


    • JE says:

      Thanks, Howard. I’m not sure I’ve quite earned the “good person” merit badge, but I’ll keep working on it.

  13. Anonymous says:

    That is very good news.

    –Jeff Stehman

  14. bondo_ba says:

    HUGE congratulations! Are these the same Morlocks that terrorize time travelers? And I really can’t think of a better way to spend a year, but that’s just me!

    • Anonymous says:


      Re Morlock and the Morlocks: Sort of, but not exactly. I was rereading Wells’ “Time Machine” once and I simultaneously noticed two things: I liked the Morlocks more than the Eloi and the name “Morlock” reminded me of a lot of names in Arthurian literature: Morgause, Morgaine, Mordred, Morholt. That was probably the genesis of Morlock Ambrosius, though he had a lot gestation and changed a lot in the process.

      I totally agree about the year. Deadlines! It’s so cool to have deadlines! Probably I’ll feel differently about it someday (not too far off), but right now it sounds pretty cool.

  15. tchernabyelo says:

    Congratulations! (he said, inadequately)

  16. davidcapeguy says:

    Congratulations, that is GREAT news!

    (The book, that is, not the “Sunset Boulevard Float” in the Tiber.)

    Well done!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Deadlines! It’s so cool to have deadlines!

    Same here. I’m much, much more productive with them. You lucky bastard! (Ahhh. I’m picturing you melting keyboards as the day draws nigh. Much better. 🙂

    –Jeff Stehman

  18. Wow, congrats! I’ve been waiting quite some time for Morlock to crack into novel form. Rest assured I’ll be purchasing at least two copies: One for me, one for an amigo I think would appreciate Morlock’s sense of humor.

    You should do a signing in Madison someday. . .nice college town, lots of bookstores, good sized reading population ;).

    • JE says:

      Thanks, Sean. A signing in Madison sounds good… a signing anywhere sounds good. (I’m still wrapping my head around the fact that there are going to be real live books to be signed.)

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