Cast Not the First Pod; It Casts for Thee!

I don’t think I’ve often posted three times in 24 hours–three times in a week has been a lot for me lately. But my narcissism sense of public duty compels me to point out that I’m interviewed in the latest Dragon Page: Cover to Cover podcast. It’s available in a couple formats on their site, and will eventually be on iTunes, although it wasn’t up there the last time I checked. There were some sound issues (at least from my end) and I said “uh” about fifteen thousand times, but I think it was a pretty good conversation.

About JE

James Enge is the author of the World-Fantasy-Award-nominated novel Blood of Ambrose (Pyr, April 2009). His latest book is The Wide World's End. His short fiction has appeared in Black Gate, Tales from the Magician's Skull, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and elsewhere.
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4 Responses to Cast Not the First Pod; It Casts for Thee!

  1. Anonymous says:

    It’s available on iTunes now. Yes, you were very ummy, but otherwise came off well. Smarter than the average bear.

    I’m a regular listener of the podcast. I find Michael and Michael annoying (for different reasons), but they have some great interviews.

    Have you read de Camp’s The Unbeheaded King series? Your comment about forms of government reminded me of it. The first book opens on execution day for our hero, the king. Every five years in this small kingdom the king is executed and his head thrown into the crowd. Whoever catches it is the new king. There are many, many small kingdoms, with many strange forms of government, but I don’t recall if specifics are given on more than a few.

    FYI, the Castle pilot is available on (actually, but Hulu will get you there) again, along with (currently) episodes 7-10. My wife and I are big fans, although half the plots are pretty weak, even for a TV procedural. Characters and relationships make the show. Well, that and Nathan Fillion.

    –Jeff Stehman

    • JE says:

      I managed to disagree with both M&M while listening to them about the Salinger thing, but it was an interesting conversation.

      I read a couple of the “Unbeheaded King” books a long time ago. I wasn’t too amused with his sorcerers (at least not as amused as he seemed to be) but I did like the nontypical government. De Camp knew enough about the real past to create an interesting, non-generic imaginary one. My favorite book of his is still The Tritonian Ring with Lest Darkness Fall as a close second.

  2. I just now got a chance to catch up with this. It’s a very good interview! Meaty on a number of different topics, and strong on your work. I quite enjoyed it.

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