The Stars in Their Discourses

The headline for a TPM article today is “Things Get Messier Still at the Wash Times”. I wasted a few moments wondering what the metaphor meant–how things could “get Messier“–by being dimly luminous, fuzzy, distant? Then I realized: oh, yeah more messy.

Dimly luminous, fuzzy, distant: that’s my cat in a bad mood. Maybe I should nickname him Messier.

About JE

James Enge is the author of the World-Fantasy-Award-nominated novel Blood of Ambrose (Pyr, April 2009). His latest book is The Wide World's End. His short fiction has appeared in Black Gate, Tales from the Magician's Skull, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and elsewhere.
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9 Responses to The Stars in Their Discourses

  1. A more ignorant sort would wonder when Mark Messier started working at the Times, and what exactly has him so upset. Not that such a thought would cross my mind, of course.

    • JE says:

      Knowledge about hockey is knowledge about life! (Though I confess I haven’t followed it much since the No Stars treacherously fled their natural home in the great state of Minnesota.)

  2. The Wikipedia sentence about the “103 Messier objects” put me in mind of the toddler toys scattered across my living room floor. Of course, that’s only the messier objects, and does not count the indefinite number of objects on the front porch that are merely messy. On the messiest objects, I will elaborate no further.

    I’m puzzled by the TPM article, however. Among DC-area residents, The Washington Times is usually referred to as “that Moonie paper”. I’d just assumed since the year of its founding that its employees were being required to attend, if not participate in, wacky Moonie rituals like the mass weddings. How is it newsworthy that a high-pressure cult is behaving like a textbook example of a high-pressure cult?

    Weirdly enough, the editor filing the religious harassment suit against the Times was a classmate of mine in college. He got himself banned from campus during his senior year for harassing a professor, scratching up the guy’s car windshield with tacks, etc. Most of the student body was appalled that Richard Miniter was permitted to graduate. It’s nice to see karma in action, however long delayed.

    • JE says:

      Nutty! (Both the coincidence and the character of ex-editor Miniter.)

      I think the WT story is getting a lot of attention because it’s a newspaper story from Washington DC, which makes it the Center of Two Universes for political journalists.

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