Last updated: November 17, 2022
Classics Program at BGSU
Chapter |
Part of Speech |
Latin |
English |
1 |
adverb |
nōn |
not |
1 |
conjunction |
sī |
if |
1 |
verb (1) |
cogitāre, cogitāvī, cogitātum |
to think, ponder, consider, plan |
1 |
verb (2) |
dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum |
to owe; ought, must |
1 |
verb (1) |
dare, dedī datum |
to give, offer |
1 |
verb (1) |
errāre, errāvī, errātum |
to wander, err, go astray, be mistaken |
1 |
verb (1) |
servāre, servāvī, servātum |
to preserve, save, keep, guard |
1 |
verb (2) |
terrēre, terruī, territum |
to frighten, terrify |
1 |
verb (2) |
vidēre, vīdī, vīsum |
to see; observe, understand |
1 |
verb (1) |
vocāre, vocāvī, vocātum |
to call, summon |
2 |
noun (1) |
-ae (m.) |
sailor |
2 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
fatherland, native land, (one's)
country |
2 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
money |
2 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
gate, entrance |
2 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
girl |
2 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
life; mode of life |
2 |
adjective |
-a, -um |
large, great, important |
2 |
conjunction |
et |
and ( both...and) |
2 |
conjunction |
sed |
but |
2 |
preposition |
sine |
without (takes ablative) |
3 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
friend |
3 |
noun (2) |
-ī (m.) |
friend |
3 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
woman |
3 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
daughter (dative and ablative plural, filiabus) |
3 |
noun (2) |
-iī (m.) |
son |
3 |
noun (2) |
-ī (m.) |
the people, a people, a nation |
3 |
noun (2) |
puerī (m.) |
boy; boys, children |
3 |
noun (2) |
virī (m.) |
man |
3 |
adjective |
-a, -um |
Roman |
3 |
preposition |
(+ abl.) |
down from, from; concerning, about
(takes ablative) |
3 |
preposition |
(+ abl.) |
in, on (takes ablative) |
3 |
verb (2) |
habēre, habuī, habitum |
to have, hold, possess, consider,
regard |
4 |
noun (2) |
-ī (n.) |
war |
4 |
noun (2) |
-ī (n.) |
gift, present |
4 |
noun (2) |
magistrī (m.) |
schoolmaster, teacher, master |
4 |
noun (1) |
-ae (f.) |
school mistress, teacher, mistress |
4 |
noun (2) |
-ī (m.) |
eye |
4 |
noun (2) |
-iī (n.) |
leisure, peace |
4 |
noun (2) |
-ī (n.) |
danger, risk |
4 |
noun (2) |
-iī (n.) |
cure, remedy |
4 |
adjective |
-a, -um |
good |
4 |
adjective |
-a, -um |
bad, wicked, evil |
4 |
verb (irregular) |
esse, fuī, ——— |
to be, exist |
Chapter |
Part of Speech |
Latin |
English |
5 |
noun (2) |
animus, -ī (m.) |
soul, spirit, mind;
(plural) high spirits, pride, courage |
5 |
noun (2) |
caelum, -ī (n.) |
sky, heaven |
5 |
noun (1) |
glōria, -ae (f.) |
glory, fame |
5 |
adjective |
līber, lībera,
līberum |
free |
5 |
adjective |
sānus, -a, -um |
sound, healthy, sane |
5 |
enclitic |
-ne |
question (introduces
questions the answer to which is uncertain) |
5 |
preposition |
propter |
on account of, because
of (takes accusative) |
5 |
verb (1) |
cēnō, cēnāre, cēnāvī,
cēnātum |
to dine |
5 |
verb (2) |
maneō, manere, mānsī,
mānsum |
to remain, stay, abide,
continue |
5 |
verb (1) |
superō, superāre,
superāvī, superātum |
to be above, have the
upper hand, surpass; overcome, conquer |
6 |
noun (1) |
dea, -ae (f.) |
goddess |
6 |
noun (2) |
deus, -ī (m.) |
god |
6 |
noun (2) |
liber, librī (m.) |
book |
6 |
noun (2) |
tyrannus, -ī (m.) |
absolute ruler, tyrant |
6 |
noun (2) |
vitium, -iī (n.) |
fault, crime, vice |
6 |
adjective |
Graecus, -a, -um |
Greek |
6 |
conjunction, enclitic |
-que |
and (enclitic)
(appended to the second of two words to be joined) |
6 |
adverb, conjunction |
ubi |
where, when |
6 |
adverb |
ibi |
there |
6 |
verb (irregular) |
possum, posse, potuī,
——— |
to be able, can, could,
have power |
6 |
verb (1) |
tolerō, tolerāre,
tolerāvī, tolerātum |
to bear, endure |
7 |
noun (3) |
amor, amoris (m.) |
love |
7 |
noun (3) |
carmen, carminis (
n.) |
song, poem |
7 |
noun (3) |
cīvitas, cīvitātis (f.) |
state, citizenship |
7 |
noun (3) |
homo, hominis (m.) |
human being, man |
7 |
noun (3) |
pāx, pācis (f.) |
peace |
7 |
noun (1) |
regīna, -ae (f.) |
queen |
7 |
noun (3) |
tempus, temporis (
n.) |
time; occasion,
opportunity |
7 |
noun (1) |
terra, -ae (f.) |
earth, ground, land,
country |
7 |
noun (3) |
virgo, virginis (f.) |
maiden, virgin |
7 |
verb (1) |
necō, necāre, necāvī,
necātum |
to murder, kill |
8 |
noun (3) |
frāter, frātris (m.) |
brother |
8 |
noun (3) |
lībertās, lībertātis
(f.) |
liberty |
8 |
noun (3) |
soror, sorōris (f.) |
sister |
8 |
preposition |
ad |
to, up to, near to
(takes accusative) |
8 |
preposition |
ex, ē |
out of, from, from
within; by reason of, on account of (takes ablative) |
8 |
verb (3) |
discō, discere,
didicī, ---- |
to learn |
8 |
verb (2) |
doceō, docēre, docuī,
doctum |
to teach |
8 |
verb (3) |
dūcō, dūcere, duxī,
ductum |
to lead; consider,
regard; prolong |
8 |
verb (3) |
scrībō, scrībere,
scrīpsī, scrīptum |
to write, compose |
8 |
verb (3) |
vincō, vincere, vīcī,
victum |
to conquer, overcome |
Chapter |
Part of Speech |
Latin |
English |
1 |
verb (1) |
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātum |
to praise |
1 |
verb (2) |
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitum |
to remind, advise, warn |
8 |
verb (3) |
agō, agere, ēgī, actum |
to drive, lead, do, act; pass,
spend (time); gratiās agere: to give
thanks) |
10 |
verb (4) |
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītum |
to hear, listen to |
9 |
noun (2) |
locus, -ī (m.) |
place; passage in literature (loca,
-ōrum, n.: places, regions) |
9 |
pronoun |
hic, haec, hoc |
this; the latter; he, she, it, they |
9 |
pronoun |
ille, illa, illud |
that; the former; the famous; he,
she, it, they |
9 |
pronoun |
iste, ista, istud |
that over there, that; such
(sometimes with contemptuous force) |
9 |
adjective |
alius, alia, aliud |
other, another (aliī...aliī:
some...others) |
9 |
adjective |
nūllus, -a, -um |
not any, no, none |
9 |
adjective |
ūllus, -a, -um |
any |
9 |
adjective |
sōlus, -a, -um |
alone, only, the only |
9 |
adjective |
totus, -a, -um |
whole, entire |
9 |
preposition |
in (+ acc.) |
into, toward; against |
10 |
noun (1) |
hōra, -ae (f.) |
hour, time |
10 |
noun (1) |
nātūra, -ae (f.) |
nature |
10 |
noun (3) |
timor, timoris (m.) |
fear |
10 |
adjective |
beātus, -a, -um |
happy, fortunate, blessed |
10 |
preposition |
cum (+ abl.) |
with |
10 |
verb (3) |
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum |
to say, tell, speak; name, call |
10 |
verb (3i) |
faciō, facere, fēcī, factum |
to make, do, accomplish |
10 |
verb (3i) |
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, —— |
to flee, hurry away; go into exile;
avoid, shun |
10 |
verb (4) |
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum |
to come |
10 |
verb (4) |
inveniō, invenīre, invēnī,
inventum |
to come upon, find |
11 |
noun (3) |
caput, capitis (n.) |
head; leader; beginning; life;
heading; chapter |
11 |
noun (3) |
nēmō, neminis (m./f.) |
no one, nobody |
11 |
pronoun |
ego, meī |
I |
11 |
pronoun |
tū, tuī |
you |
11 |
pronoun |
is, ea, id |
this, that; he, she, it
(demonstrative) |
11 |
conjunction |
quod |
because |
11 |
adverb |
bene |
well, satisfactorily, quite |
11 |
verb (3) |
intellegō, intellegere,
intellexī, intellectum |
to understand |
11 |
verb (3) |
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum |
to send, let go |
11 |
verb (4) |
sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī, sēnsum |
to feel, perceive, think,
experience |
12 |
noun (2) |
annus, -ī (m.) |
year |
12 |
noun (3) |
mater, matris (f.) |
mother |
12 |
noun (2) |
medicus, -ī (m.) medica, -ae (f.) |
doctor, medic, physician |
12 |
noun (3) |
pater, patris (m.) |
father |
12 |
noun (2) |
principium, -iī (m.) |
beginning |
12 |
adjective |
acerbus, -a, -um |
harsh, bitter, grievous |
12 |
preposition |
prō (+ abl.) |
in front of, before, on behalf of,
for the sake of, in return for, instead of, for,
as |
12 |
adverb |
diū |
for a long time |
12 |
verb (3) |
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissum |
to lose, let go |
12 |
verb (3) |
cadō, cadere, cecidī, cāsum |
to fall |
Chapter |
Part of Speech |
Latin |
English |
13 |
noun (2) |
signum, -ī (n.) |
sign, signal, indication, seal |
13 |
pronoun |
ipse, ipsa, ipsum |
myself, yourself, himself, herself,
itself (etc.); the very, the actual (intensive) |
13 |
pronoun |
---, suī |
himself, herself, itself,
themselves (reflexive) |
13 |
adjective |
doctus, -a, -um |
taught, learned, skilled |
13 |
adjective |
suus, -a, -um |
his own, her own, its own, their
own (reflexive possessive) |
13 |
adverb |
ante (adverb) (also prep. + acc.) |
before, in front of; previously |
13 |
preposition |
per (+acc.) |
through (takes accusative) |
13 |
verb (3) |
alo, alere, aluī, altum |
to nourish, support, sustain,
increase, cherish |
13 |
verb (3) |
iungō, iungere, iunxī, iunctum |
to join |
13 |
verb (1) |
stō, stāre, stetī, statum |
to stand, stand still, stand firm |
14 |
noun (3i) |
animal, animālis (n.) |
a living creature, animal |
14 |
noun (3i) |
ars, artis (f.) |
art, skill |
14 |
noun (3i) |
cīvis, cīvis (m. / f.) |
citizen |
14 |
noun (3i) |
mare, maris, (n.) |
sea |
14 |
noun (3i) |
mors, mortis (f.) |
death |
14 |
noun (3i) |
urbs, urbis (f.) |
city |
14 |
noun (3i) |
vīs, vīs (f.) |
force, power, violence |
14 |
preposition |
ab / ā (+
ablative) |
away from, from (a place); by (a
person doing an action) |
14 |
verb (3) |
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursum |
to run, rush, move quickly |
14 |
verb (1) |
mūtō, mūtāre, mūtāvī, mūtātum |
to change, alter; exchange |
15 |
noun (1) |
Italia, -ae (f.) |
Italy |
15 |
noun (1) |
memoria, -ae (f.) |
memory, recollection |
15 |
noun (3) |
tempestās, tempestātis (f.) |
period of time, season; weather,
storm |
15 |
adjective |
centum |
a hundred |
15 |
adjective |
mille |
thousand; (plural) thousands |
15 |
adjective |
miser, misera, miserum |
wretched, miserable, unfortunate |
15 |
preposition |
inter (+ acc.) |
between, among |
15 |
verb (irregular) |
committo, committere, commisi,
commissum |
to entrust, commit |
15 |
verb (irregular) |
exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvī,
exspectātum |
to look for, expect, await |
15 |
verb (irregular) |
iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iectum |
to throw, hurl |
15 |
verb (irregular) |
timeō, timēre, timuī, ----- |
to fear, be afraid of, be afraid |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
ūnus, -a, -um |
one |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
duo, duae, duo |
two |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
trēs, tria |
three |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
quattuor |
four |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
quīnque |
five |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
sex |
six |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
septem |
seven |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
octo |
eight |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
novem |
nine |
15 |
adjective, cardinal |
decem |
ten |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
prīmus, -a, -um |
first |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
secundus, -a, -um |
second |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
tertius, -a, -um |
third |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
quartus, -a, -um |
fourth |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
quintus, -a, -um |
fifth |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
sextus, -a, -um |
sixth |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
septimus, -a, -um |
seventh |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
octāvus, -a, -um |
eighth |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
nōnus, -a, -um |
ninth |
15 |
adjective, ordinal |
decimus, -a, -um |
tenth |
16 |
adjective |
brevis, breve |
short, small, brief |
16 |
adjective |
celer, celeris, celere |
swift, quick, rapid |
16 |
adjective |
difficilis, difficile |
hard, difficult, troublesome |
16 |
adjective |
facilis, facile |
easy, agreeable |
16 |
adjective |
fortis, forte |
strong, brave |
16 |
adjective |
longus, -a, -um |
long |
16 |
adjective |
omnis, omne |
every, all |
16 |
adjective |
potēns, potentis |
able, powerful, mighty, strong |
16 |
adjective, noun (3) |
senex, senis (m.) |
old, aged; old man |
16 |
verb (3) |
regō, regere, rexī, rectum |
to rule, guide, direct |
Chapter | Part of Speech | Latin | English |
17 | noun (2) | libellus, -ī (m.) |
little book |
17 | pronoun | quī, quae, quod | who, which, what, that |
17 | adjective | caecus, -a, -um | blind |
17 | adjective | levis, leve | light, slight, easy, trivial |
17 | verb (3) | admittō, admittere, admīsī, admissum | to admit, receive, let in |
17 | verb (3i) | cupiō, cupere, cupīvī, cupitum | to desire, wish, long for |
17 | verb (2) | dēleō, dēlēre, dēlēvī, dēlētum | to destroy, wipe out, erase |
17 | verb (3i) | incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum | to begin |
17 | verb (3) | neglegō, neglegere, neglexī, neglectum | to neglect, disregard |
17 | verb (1) | recitō, recitāre, recitāvī, recitātum | to read aloud, recite |
18 | noun (3) | flūmen,
flūminis (n.) |
river |
18 | noun (3) | genus, generis (n.) |
origin, kind, sort, class |
18 | noun (3i) | hostis, hostis (m.) | an enemy; (plural) the enemy |
18 | noun (2) | lūdus, -ī (m.) | game, sport; school |
18 | adjective | clārus, -a, -um | clear, bright; renowned, famous, illustrious |
18 | adverb | cūr | why |
18 | verb (3) | fluō, fluere, flūxī, fluxum | to flow |
18 | verb (3) | legō, legere, lēgī, lectum | to pick out, choose; read |
18 | verb (2) | misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtum | to mix, stir up, disturb |
18 | verb (2) | moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtum | to move; arouse, affect |