Today it’s Belle Rêve but tomorrow it’ll be Belly Rave…
This never bothered me before, but it seems like Belle Rêve is a solecism; it should be Beau Rêve, according to the infallible penguin who wrote my French dictionary. Oh well: Pohl & Kornbluth probably liked the sound-devolution of belle into belly. Or maybe they’re making a point: bad linguistics leads to bad city planning. (Or maybe they talked to a different penguin, the same one Tennessee Williams used to hang out with.)
Interesting article and maybe some early indications that Kunstler was right. Ho hum, pig’s bum.
If it’s the end of towns-without-sidewalks-or-downtowns, I think I’m for it. But then, I’m not stuck with a McMansion that has a metastasizing mortgage (a vice out of my income bracket).
Oh, I’m all for it too. Except that there are a lot of poor sods — not just McMansion owners — living in “modern” towns with no way out now.