100 Million Years and Counting…

Someone at APoD has a Leigh Brackett-like sensibility. (Higher praise it would be difficult to bestow.) The title of yesterday’s picture was “Doomed Moon of Mars”–which sounds like something from the ToC of Planet Stories circa 1948.

About JE

James Enge is the author of the World-Fantasy-Award-nominated novel Blood of Ambrose (Pyr, April 2009). His latest book is The Wide World's End. His short fiction has appeared in Black Gate, Tales from the Magician's Skull, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and elsewhere.
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9 Responses to 100 Million Years and Counting…

  1. peadarog says:

    So, it’s not cheese, this time, but chocolate?

    • tchernabyelo says:

      Maltesers… in… SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!

      (I am SO going to write a story callde “Doomed Moon Of Mars” now. Ideally it will not involve moons, Mars, or even doom)

      • peadarog says:

        But it will involve Mars bars.

        • JE says:

          To me it looks almost exactly like a savagely mistreated ball-bearing that came off a train-car near the railroad tracks where we used to live. (On the right side, of course.) The thing was the size of a small cannonball and had just the same rusty color and pockmarked surface as Phobos (if that is its real name).

          But it makes sense for the moons of different planets to be made of different foodstuffs. Mother Earth is orbited by milky cheese. Mars apparently orbited by chocolate, over which so many savage struggles have been waged. Pluto’s Charon can only be made of ice cream. Neptune’s moons: clearly sushi or smoked salmon. For etymological reasons, I suspect Uranus’ Ariel must be made of pumpernickel. (I think I’ll stop there–maybe that’s one too many.)

  2. zornhau says:

    Leigh Brackett!

    What can I say?

    • JE says:

      I was just reading Lorelei of the Red Mist, the most recent collection of her stuff from Haffner. It’s a golden volume, every story a perfect example of its kind.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Science is cool. If I had to pick which is cooler between science and dead languages in old books, I’d have a tough time of it. (Dead languages in new books might rate a brief “neat,” but not “cool.”)

    –Jeff Stehman

  4. JE says:

    I agree all the way. Best of all is science in dead languages in old books. (Even if they do make minor mistakes about what’s orbiting what…)

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