1. Happy Bloomsday.
2. Stately, plump James Enge was biking last night when he (i.e. I) realized something about being middle-aged. I don’t have any first wind anymore. As recently as my thirties (which is not too recent, I guess), when I exercised I would start out with a lot of energy, then flag after a while (15 or 20 seconds, perhaps) and finally get a second wind as endorphins or something kicked in. Now I don’t have that first wind: I’m groaning from the second I hit the road (or the rowing machine, as the case may be). If I stick with it, though, the second wind still comes along, as strong or stronger than it used to. If it ever stops showing up I think I’ll give up every pretense of fitness and settle down to becoming perfectly spherical, which is where my natural talents seem to lie anyway.
3. Who do I root for in this battle of dinosaurs, Berlusconi vs. Murdoch? I suppose it’s too much to hope for that they will plunge together down the chasm into the Reichenbach Falls.
Argh. I know the feeling. I never did have a first wind, even though I was a borderline professional athlete when younger (I was a first dividion volleyball player and quite a long-distance runner). It sucks, having to suffer through the first few minutes until the energy kicks in!
Now, of course, I have no wind at all!
The spherical option seems more appealing every day. (I could also eat more cookies.)
I vote for plunging as well.
And it could be televised on Fox and on Berlusconi’s channels. Great for ratings! A win-win!
Falls, yes, but maybe not Reichenbach. Because then chances are one of them will mysteriously reappear shortly afterward.
A black hole might be better…
Yeah, need more permanent fall.
I’m sure their research departments are working on better dooms even as we speak. We can only wish both of them luck.