Existence Precedes Engence

Despite the wilderness my LiveJournal has become, I do still exist, at least as much as I ever did, but I’ve been busy hammering out the final version of The Wolf Age (the third Morlock book, due out in October 2010). Now that the book is in (on the Ides of March, no less), other more dayworky issues loom… but I’m reluctantto let this journal lapse entirely.

Anyway, happy equinox to my flist. Here’s hoping spring springs on you gently, with its claws sheathed.

Iam ver egelidos refert tepores,
iam caeli furor aequinoctialis
iucundis Zephyri silescit auris.

–Catullus 46

Now spring brings back unchilly warms.
Now raging equinoctal storms
are quelled by Zephyr’s smiling breeze.

About JE

James Enge is the author of the World-Fantasy-Award-nominated novel Blood of Ambrose (Pyr, April 2009). His latest book is The Wide World's End. His short fiction has appeared in Black Gate, Tales from the Magician's Skull, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and elsewhere.
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14 Responses to Existence Precedes Engence

  1. csecooney says:

    “Now raging equinoctal storms
    are quelled by Zephyr’s smiling breeze.”

    ‘Cept, James, it’s SNOWING in Chicago. *weeps*

    MorlockMorlockMorlock! In OCTOBER! Why, I don’t have to wait as long as I feared! How pleasant!

    • JE says:

      Yes, spring seems to be mostly an astronomical phenomenon in the Midwest at this point. (As usual.)

      I hope you like the book when it shows up. It’s on the weird side, as Morlock stories go.

  2. bondo_ba says:

    Hey James, always cool to see you here. Hope Spring treats you well as we down south prepare for autumn!

    • JE says:

      Thanks! And the month or two after the equinox is usually my favorite time of year, whichever equinox it is… Hope autumn treats you well.

  3. fpb says:

    It’s sprung so freakin’ gently I still can barely see it. Some motion please!

    PS: congratulation on the completed job.

    • JE says:

      Thanks! Re the weather: keep watching the skies, I guess. The sun must be out there somewhere; I seen pictures.

  4. peadarog says:

    Rewatching I, Claudius even as we speak!

  5. Spring started for me about three weeks ago, got warm and everything, but now it’s snowing again. All over the Midwest I think. I’m glad I didn’t plant those flowers yet …

    • JE says:

      We haven’t got any snow in the Great Black Swamp recently, but temperatures did plummet a couple days ago. All part of life’s rich pageant, I guess.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Spring came much too soon. I only got in two months of skiing.

    Good to see you back.

    –Jeff Stehman

  7. Good to see you back! And with the book delivered, no less! Congratulations.

    None of the weather-rhymes we learned as kids can be counted on these days. Here in the Mid-Atlantic states, March has been in like a polar bear, and seems to be heading out like a lion, with just enough sunny days between pelting rains and windstorms for the crocuses to open and get the pollen pounded out of them. But hey, it’s not dark anymore, so I’ll take it.

  8. I got to see the cover for The Wolf Age while talking to Lou Anders at MidSouthCon. Very cool. Look forward to the release.

    Laura J. Underwood

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