Monthly Archives: September 2024

Outlaws, Were-Bears, and Skunks

I’ve been reading the Gesta Herwardi (“The Deeds of Herward” a.k.a. “Hereward the Wake”), one of the original outlaw stories from England (although it’s written not in English, but in Latin—because, no doubt, Everything Is Better With Latin!™). The Robin … Continue reading

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Some Typos are Typoier Than Others

Typo of the day, possibly of the decade, is Ratlick, for an intended Tatlock (the author of an old myth textbook). If a character named Ratlick doesn’t appear in an upcoming Morlock story, my name isn’t James Enge. (Um. So … Continue reading

Posted in Morlock, Myth & Legend, sword-and-sorcery, Typo of the Day, words | Leave a comment

New Editions of Old Stories

Reading about cops and robbers today.

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