Category Archives: social media

Breslin vs. Trump

As Fate or Chaos would have it, the LoA collection of Jimmy Breslin arrived on my doorstep this week, so that on the evening when Trump’s guilty verdict was announced in Manhattan, I got to read Breslin’s verdict on Trump … Continue reading

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Eldritch Lore of Lightning, Stars, and Magic

On Facebook, Michael Swanwick mentioned a historical (or maybe apocryphal) episode when the Pope invited Etruscan seers to use lightning magic to defend Rome against Alaric and his Ostrogoths. It’s a pretty good story, whether or not it’s actually history. … Continue reading

Posted in academia, Adventures in the Public Domain, astronomy, books, fantasy, history, language, magic, Myth & Legend, Roman history, Rome, science, sff, social media, sword-and-sorcery | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Eldritch Lore of Lightning, Stars, and Magic

Not Feeling SANQUINE About This

Yet another Faceplace ad that falls between sad and funny. I’m pretty sure the Latin on this very serious “blood oath” coin is supposed to mean “what is owed in blood” (quod debitum sanguine) only they misspelled “blood” as SANQUINE, … Continue reading

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Just Be Cos

Typo of the day is cosgender which I discovered by mistyping cisgender in some sentence like “Cisgenger is not a slur”—a statement too obvious to need saying, except that we live in the Worst Timeline. “Cosgender. That ought to be … Continue reading

Posted in social media, Typo of the Day, writing | Comments Off on Just Be Cos

A Trialogue

ME: “But the claim in that post is NONSENSE. I can prove it!” MYSELF: “Or I could go back to writing those books I say that I’m writing.” I: “WHY DRAG ME INTO THIS?”

Posted in social media, writing | Comments Off on A Trialogue

Fellowship of the Thing

Apologies for my relative silence on social media. I’m engaged on a lunatic plan to write a pair of novels over the summer, and I’ve made some significant progress. This evening I got north of 20,000 words on one (a … Continue reading

Posted in academia, fantasy, language, Myth & Legend, social media, writing | Tagged , | 4 Comments


Facebork has put me in Facebook-jail for the 4th time in 4 weeks. I figure they’re trying to make the experience worse so that people will be interested in paying money for actual customer service. Not sure that’s a viable … Continue reading

Posted in AI is a misnomer, social media | Tagged | Comments Off on Facebox