1. On the Eve of St. Nick, my son Nick has set off for China where he’s going to present a paper at a professional conference. This freaks me out so much I’m not fully aware of how freaked out I am. But if I could put a number on it, the number would be very large.
2. I actually saw a copy of Blood of Ambrose on a shelf in a bookstore the other day. It would have totally freaked me out if I had not already been freaking out about Thing 1 (above).
3. Earlier this week, Nick and I attended a lecture by Larry Lessig, one of the founders of Creative Commons and of Change-Congress.org. It was less academic than I’d anticipated (in a good way) and much more entertaining. He made some great points about the way politics is done (and decent policy debate fails to get done) in this country, without falling into the left-vs-right culture-war stuff that stultifies our political discourse. Highly recommended, if the circus comes to a town near you. (Or to the interwebs: the talk was supposed to be released online under a CC license. But if it has been I haven’t been able to find it.)